Berliners call for SUV ban after fatal traffic accident

Started by cawimmer430, September 09, 2019, 03:53:51 AM


This is so retarded. Welcome to Shit Hole Germany, where right now the hysteria, stupidity and more stupidity reigns supreme. Well, Berlin is a shit hole anyway. It's run by Red-Red-Green political parties - aka COMMUNISTS. :facepalm:

If instead of a Porsche SUV it was an electric car, I wonder if Berliners would call for a ban for EVs...

Berliners call for SUV ban after fatal traffic accident

Four people were killed in Berlin when a Porsche SUV veered onto a sidewalk. While hundreds of people held a candlelight vigil on Saturday evening, environmental protection organizations called for a ban on SUV vehicles.

A 3-year-old boy, a 64-year-old woman and two men in their late 20s were killed in an apparent road accident in Berlin on Friday evening, Berlin police said Saturday.

A Porsche SUV mounted a footpath full of pedestrians at the corner of Invaliden and Acker streets in central Berlin. The vehicle hit construction fencing and landed in a vacant building plot.

"Given the evidence so far, we assume this was a traffic accident and not a deliberate act," police spokesman Thilo Cablitz said.

The injured driver was taken to hospital for treatment, where he died. Two other people from the vehicle were also hospitalized.

"Initial indications that a medical emergency involving the driver could have been the cause, as well as all other witness statements, information and evidence, are part of the investigation," the police said.

Authorities are reconstructing the accident to determine the cause. Police are also investigating whether the SUV hit pedestrians.

Sorrow and anger

Berliners organized a vigil for the victims on Saturday evening. A four-minute silence was observed for the four victims, as people laid flowers at the accident site.

Berlin's Mayor Michael Müller dubbed it a "terrible accident."

"My thoughts are with the victims, and their relatives and friends," he said in a statement.

The deaths also sparked anger among the citizens and activists.

Stephan von Dassel, the district mayor of Berlin-Mitte, said "armor-like SUV cars" don't belong in the city, as every driving error puts the lives of innocent people at risk.

"These [cars] are also climate killers. They are a threat even without an accident," Von Dassel said.

Protest against SUVs

Environmental activists protested against SUV vehicles on Saturday. A Greenpeace member told AFP news agency that environmentalists blocked a SUV loading dock for about three hours.

It is "completely irresponsible to produce and drive SUVs," said Benjamin Stephan, a Greenpeace official, adding that German manufacturers must move away from "climate killers" and produce lighter electronic cars.

"The risk of dying in an accident involving an SUV is much higher than a normal car. Pedestrians have a 50% higher risk of fatal accidents due to the higher bonnet," according to Greenpeace.

-2018 Mercedes-Benz A250 AMG Line (W177)

WIMMER FOTOGRAFIE - Professional Automotive Photography based in Munich, Germany

12,000 RPM

Yea only SUVs, not cars, kill pedestrians

Good luck Wimmer... seems like every western country is gunning for the top step on the podium of stupidity :facepalm:
Protecctor of the Atmospheric Engine #TheyLiedToUs

Soup DeVille

"lighter electronic cars.".

Either that's a poor translation, or someone has been watching too much Tron.
Maybe we need to start off small. I mean, they don't let you fuck the glumpers at Glumpees without a level 4 FuckPass, do they?

1975 Honda CB750, 1986 Rebel Rascal (sailing dinghy), 2015 Mini Cooper, 2020 Winnebago 31H (E450), 2021 Toyota 4Runner, 2022 Lincoln Aviator


Quote from: 12,000 RPM on September 09, 2019, 05:21:26 AM
Yea only SUVs, not cars, kill pedestrians

Good luck Wimmer... seems like every western country is gunning for the top step on the podium of stupidity :facepalm:

Exactly.  :ohyeah:

But right now there's this mass hysteria in Germany about climate change and CO2 and it's literally all being blamed on cars. And among all cars the hate is being thrown at SUVs, even small ones like a VW Tiguan or Skoda Kodiaq. The Fridays for Future movement led by Greta Thunberg, has brainwashed a large number of idiot German youths into hating all things cars. These kids are now leaving "hate letters" on SUVs aimed at shaming the drivers of such cars. It's so pathetic and stupid. Oh, and the political parties SPD and Greens (both very lefty) want to penalize SUV drivers with higher car taxes.

Germany 2019, a total shit hole. Not only because of this climate change hysteria.
-2018 Mercedes-Benz A250 AMG Line (W177)

WIMMER FOTOGRAFIE - Professional Automotive Photography based in Munich, Germany


Quote from: Soup DeVille on September 09, 2019, 06:13:34 AM
"lighter electronic cars.".

Either that's a poor translation, or someone has been watching too much Tron.

Yep. A Tesla Model S weighs 2.1 tons. That's probably heavier than most of the normal-sized SUVs sold in Germany! Goes to show how stupid these Germans are who are calling for an SUV ban.

Well, some of them are also calling for a ban on cars which make more than 200-horsepower. This country is so embarrassing now. Oh, also this...

Germany's military has become a complete joke

It can't fulfil its role as a Nato member, let alone form the heart of a European defence force

It is not hard to think of times when German military weakness would have been lauded as good news across the rest of Europe, but perhaps not when the German minister accused of running her country's armed forces into the ground has just been named as the next president of the European Commission.

The most recent embarrassment for the Bundeswehr — the grounding of all 53 of its Tiger helicopters this month due to technical faults — is just the latest in a long series of humiliations to have sprung from Ursula von der Leyen's spell as defence minister. A country once feared for its ruthless military efficiency has become a joke among European powers.

If von der Leyen can be transposed on to the British political scene she might be seen as a teutonic Chris Grayling — attacked from all sides, not least her own, for her chronic mishandling of her brief. To quote fellow Christian Democrat Rupert Scholz, who served as Helmut Kohl's defence minister: 'The Bundeswehr's condition is catastrophic. The entire defence capability of the federal republic is suffering.'

It is not fair to blame all the problems of the German military on von der Leyen, who has been defence minister only since 2013. For understandable reasons, the German military was a little constrained in its development between 1945 and 1990, when defence was in any case effectively contracted out to foreign powers. Even now Germany remains bound by military constraints — under the Treaty for the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany, which returned the country's sovereignty in 1991, German armed forces are limited to 370,000 personnel, of whom no more than 345,000 are allowed to be in the army and air force. It cannot have nuclear weapons. After the Cold War, German governments of all colours did not consider defence a priority — unwilling to see that Russia could ever rise again as a threat.

Nevertheless, that doesn't excuse some of the inadequacies of the military which have come to light under von der Leyen's leadership. Under her watch, German military exercises have been reduced to a laughing stock. In 2014, a battalion on a Nato exercise in Norway was forced to use a painted broomstick to simulate a gun because it didn't have a real one. Nearly half the soldiers involved in the exercise could not be issued with pistols.

Things were no better this year when Germany took control of Nato's Very High Readiness Joint Task Force, charged with combatting the threat from Russia. Germanypromised to have 44 Leopard 2 tanks and 14 Marder armoured infantry vehicles available for the task, yet in the event could only muster nine and three respectively. A leaked document revealed that the Luftwaffe's Eurofighter and Tornado fighter jets, along with its transport helicopters, are only available for use for an average of four months per year — spending the rest of the time laid up for maintenance and repair.

As for the F-125 Baden-Württemberg frigates which were supposed to be coming into service two years ago, the navy refused to commission them. They failed their sea trials after problems with radar, the flameproof coating on the fuel tanks and the central computer system. Nor did the frigates have any torpedo tubes or sonar — essential for tackling the threat from submarines.

Last year's annual report by the Parliamentary Armed Forces Commissioner — the German equivalent of a defence select committee report — confirmed the inability of the military to keep its equipment in use, adding that for a period from October 2017, when a Type 212A submarine damaged its rudder, none of the country's six submarines were available for use.

This year, the government overcame the embarrassment by making information on the availability of equipment classified, so that it was left out of the report. The Commissioner, Dr Hans-Peter Bartels, was not impressed. He described the Bundeswehr — the equivalent of the armed forces and Ministry of Defence combined — as a 'bureaucratic monster', citing the example of the commander of a tactical air wing with 1,500 military and non-military staff and flying assets totalling €3 billion under his command — and yet who was trusted to spend only €250 a year without getting approval from above.

Not that centralisation of funding has helped promote carefulness with money. One of the scandals laid at von der Leyen's door is that of the Gorch Fock, a naval training ship which was sent for an overhaul in 2016 and which has yet to be returned to its duties. Meanwhile, the arc of estimated costs will be familiar to anyone who follows British public sector projects — it has risen from €10 million to €135 million.

What von der Leyen has done is increase the military budget, which rose sharply last year from €38.5 billion to €43.5 billion. A further €3 billion a year is planned by 2024. But even at that level, Germany will fall well short of its obligation as a Nato member to spend 2 per cent of GDP per year on defence — it will merely take its spending from 1.2 per cent to 1.5 per cent. True, few of Nato's European member states fulfil this obligation, but of all of them you might expect the continent's largest economy to be setting an example. Since the end of the Cold War, Germany has found it all too easy to exempt itself, or play only a token part, in joint military operations around the world — its aggressive past serving as a convenient excuse, as if it is telling the world: now, you wouldn't want a Germany which was flexing its military muscles, would you?

Spending money is one thing; spending it well is another. The German military has never really made a successful transformation from a conscript force to a smaller professional force. Conscription was suspended in 2011, two years before von der Leyen's arrival as defence minister. But several times since then the government has toyed with the idea of reviving it — more for social ends than military ones. Germany's armed forces are of a similar size to Britain's — 173,000 personnel compared with our 155,000. Yet not all are being kept in adequate training. In 2017, 19 out of 129 helicopter pilots lost their licenses because they were unable to meet the required number of flying hours.

There is a question of how committed von Leyen has been to maintaining an independent German defence force. In 2014, she told Der Spiegel that a single joint EU defence force 'would be a logical consequence of an increasingly close military cooperation in Europe' — an idea which appals even staunch British europhiles such as Vince Cable. Since being proposed as Commission president, von der Leyen has retreated on that idea — perhaps aware that her record of running the German military will not inspire confidence.

In 1945, the US military sent a team to Germany with the aim of capturing Albert Speer before the military police did — they were so impressed by the ability of the Nazis' armaments machine to recover from bombing raids that they were desperate to debrief him. We may no longer be at risk of Germany putting its military to aggressive use. But there is little sign that it has the organisation and competence to fulfil its role as a Nato member, let alone form the heart of a European defence force.


:cry: :tounge: :facepalm:

If people ask where I am from I'm gonna now claim Denmark.  :lol:

-2018 Mercedes-Benz A250 AMG Line (W177)

WIMMER FOTOGRAFIE - Professional Automotive Photography based in Munich, Germany


I always wondered if modern Germany had any nukes. Per the article, I guess not.
If the Socialists are able to beat Trump in 2020,  the USA will become more like modern Germany.
Not looking forward to it.


Jesus, now these weirdos are protesting at the Frankfurt IAA. And not only against SUVs, against all cars! Including the electric car. They want completely car-free cities. Fucking morons. How are we supposed to get around? Shit Hole Germanistan.  :facepalm:

Their leader; typical lefty, unemployed teen who calls herself "Tina Velo".

Link (in Kraut):
-2018 Mercedes-Benz A250 AMG Line (W177)

WIMMER FOTOGRAFIE - Professional Automotive Photography based in Munich, Germany


Quote from: cawimmer430 on September 09, 2019, 08:58:53 AM
Jesus, now these weirdos are protesting at the Frankfurt IAA. And not only against SUVs, against all cars! Including the electric car. They want completely car-free cities. Fucking morons. How are we supposed to get around? Shit Hole Germanistan.  :facepalm:

Their leader; typical lefty, unemployed teen who calls herself "Tina Velo".

Link (in Kraut):
"Sand in the Gear"?

People need to scream at each other now to be heard.  Kind of sucks.
"Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth" ~ Albert Einstein
"As the saying goes, when you mix science and politics, you get politics."


And we have the "Green New Deal".   No ICE cars, little or no real meat products (cow farts bad), no jet travel (jet exhaust bad) , carbon taxes out the ass, complete renewable energy, leave the oil in the ground and most importantly.....Free money for everybody all losers!   

:lol: :muffin:


Quote from: FoMoJo on September 09, 2019, 09:02:40 AM
"Sand in the Gear"?

People need to scream at each other now to be heard.  Kind of sucks.

Yes. That's a radical anti-car group.

Unbelievable what is happening here. There was a funny quote in that article from some radical cunt from Greenpeace. She claims that "Carmakers are like heroin dealers. Getting people hooked on their product. And Volkswagen is about to offer their clients more heroin in the form of electric cars."  :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

If public transportation were fast, efficient and if you didn't have to wait forever for it to arrive, then maybe more people would take it. As it turns out, the overrated German public transportation system such as S-Bahns and U-Bahns are slow, inefficient and you have to wait forever at your station for one to arrive. No wonder people are taking their cars. Also, public transportation is expensive here, even with a year-long pass.

Sure people should be sensible about how they use their car. I tend to walk or take my bicycle around town. But if I have a project then I need my car and there's no way around that.
-2018 Mercedes-Benz A250 AMG Line (W177)

WIMMER FOTOGRAFIE - Professional Automotive Photography based in Munich, Germany


Quote from: shp4man on September 09, 2019, 09:09:39 AM
And we have the "Green New Deal".   No ICE cars, little or no real meat products (cow farts bad), no jet travel (jet exhaust bad) , carbon taxes out the ass, complete renewable energy, leave the oil in the ground and most importantly.....Free money for everybody all losers!   

:lol: :muffin:

Yeah, we have the same bullshit demands from several political parties and environmental groups here. They want to tax the hell out of flying, fossil fuels, meat and all other products which produce CO2. Two political parties, the SPD and the Greens, want to tax SUVs and make car ownership even more expensive than it already is. Assholes.  :lockedup:

Germany's disastrous Energiewende (change of energy) has ensured that we are paying the highest electricity costs in the world. Solar and wind won't cut it. But these "environmentalists" are demanding that we shut down our brown coal power plants NOW. Um... and how are we going to provide electricity to our industry and population? We hardly have any nuclear power plants left. Solar and wind are inefficient and unreliable. These people are so stupid. Blind ideology and resistant to the reality of the situation.


Like I said, SHIT HOLE GERMANY. It's unbelievable what is happening here. Many people just can't believe how this country is being run into the wall by idiot politicians, uncontrolled mass Islamic migration from primitive peoples who will never integrate or contribute to this nation, a disastrous energy policy, the second highest tax load in Europe (behind Belgium), and now a potential CO2/carbon tax (yeah, that will really help our economy... not).
-2018 Mercedes-Benz A250 AMG Line (W177)

WIMMER FOTOGRAFIE - Professional Automotive Photography based in Munich, Germany


People on a certain political spectrum likes to point to Europe and says we need to be like you guys, and when people point out the slippery slope theory, they call the critics exaggerating and fear mongering, yet we have exactly the same slippery slope phenomenon that people have been pointing to. 

Just curious, do people that support these policies not own cars?


2010 G-550  //  2019 GLS-550


Quote from: cawimmer430 on September 09, 2019, 09:09:49 AM
Yes. That's a radical anti-car group.

Unbelievable what is happening here. There was a funny quote in that article from some radical cunt from Greenpeace. She claims that "Carmakers are like heroin dealers. Getting people hooked on their product. And Volkswagen is about to offer their clients more heroin in the form of electric cars."  :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

If public transportation were fast, efficient and if you didn't have to wait forever for it to arrive, then maybe more people would take it. As it turns out, the overrated German public transportation system such as S-Bahns and U-Bahns are slow, inefficient and you have to wait forever at your station for one to arrive. No wonder people are taking their cars. Also, public transportation is expensive here, even with a year-long pass.

Sure people should be sensible about how they use their car. I tend to walk or take my bicycle around town. But if I have a project then I need my car and there's no way around that.
Rational discussion of the issue would be preferred.  You have to keep in mind that those who believe the science of climate change, and that global warming is being accelerated by the excessive burning of fossil fuels, have been shouting at brick walls...'fulminating at the void'...for  decades now, and even into 2nd and 3rd generations.  It must be getting frustrating for them to see such little progress and, primarily, the fact that those vested in fossil fuels have been able to control the politicians to do virtually nothing about it.
"Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth" ~ Albert Einstein
"As the saying goes, when you mix science and politics, you get politics."


Quote from: FoMoJo on September 09, 2019, 09:56:20 AM
Rational discussion of the issue would be preferred.  You have to keep in mind that those who believe the science of climate change, and that global warming is being accelerated by the excessive burning of fossil fuels, have been shouting at brick walls...'fulminating at the void'...for  decades now, and even into 2nd and 3rd generations.  It must be getting frustrating for them to see such little progress and, primarily, the fact that those vested in fossil fuels have been able to control the politicians to do virtually nothing about it.

At least in the US, there's this...

But we keep on looking to limit private companies while ignoring the government that can't be regulated to begin with.

12,000 RPM

Govt can be and is regulated :rolleyes:

When the governor of my state put our economy on the chopping block for that bathroom bill we got him the fuck outta there at the next election

Good luck getting that kind of prompt response to any big corporation fucking your shit up
Protecctor of the Atmospheric Engine #TheyLiedToUs


"Hundreds" of people protesting in a city of 3.6 Million is not really relevant. You will always have idiots.


Quote from: 12,000 RPM on September 09, 2019, 10:59:25 AM
Govt can be and is regulated :rolleyes:

When the governor of my state put our economy on the chopping block for that bathroom bill we got him the fuck outta there at the next election

Good luck getting that kind of prompt response to any big corporation fucking your shit up

Government are rarely held accountable especially to the same degree as private industry.  Try again.

12,000 RPM

Quote from: NomisR on September 09, 2019, 11:22:14 AM
Government are rarely held accountable especially to the same degree as private industry.  Try again.
If you say so
Protecctor of the Atmospheric Engine #TheyLiedToUs


Quote from: NomisR on September 09, 2019, 12:03:46 PM

Government holding government responsible?  Again, look at the latest cases with the DoJ...

The citizens are the ones supposed to hold the government accountable. We do a terrible job of it.
1969 El Camino, 2017 Bolt EV, 2021 Tesla Model 3 Performance


Quote from: CaminoRacer on September 09, 2019, 12:07:49 PM
The citizens are the ones supposed to hold the government accountable. We do a terrible job of it.

We can get rid of the politicians and there's still a huge group of unelected "officials" that we can't touch because of union. 


Quote from: NomisR on September 09, 2019, 12:10:45 PM
We can get rid of the politicians and there's still a huge group of unelected "officials" that we can't touch because of union. 
Typically, they are the ones that have a useful function; not saying they do that function well.
"Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth" ~ Albert Einstein
"As the saying goes, when you mix science and politics, you get politics."


I'm kind of surprised there aren't mass movements to ban smoking/cigarettes in Germany.  Cigarette consumption, per capita, is quite high (1.6x the US).  It produces pollution, is harmful, if not deadly, both to the smoker and bystanders subjected to second-hand smoke alike.
Needs more Jiggawatts

2016 Ford Mustang GTPP / 2011 Toyota Rav4 Base AWD / 2014 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 ABS
1992 Nissan 240SX Fastback / 2004 Mazda Mazda3s / 2011 Ford Mustang V6 Premium / 2007 Suzuki GSF1250SA Bandit / 2006 VW Jetta 2.5


Quote from: Galaxy on September 09, 2019, 11:06:38 AM
"Hundreds" of people protesting in a city of 3.6 Million is not really relevant. You will always have idiots.

This. Nothing to see here, move along.


Quote from: MX793 on September 09, 2019, 04:36:20 PM
I'm kind of surprised there aren't mass movements to ban smoking/cigarettes in Germany.  Cigarette consumption, per capita, is quite high (1.6x the US).  It produces pollution, is harmful, if not deadly, both to the smoker and bystanders subjected to second-hand smoke alike.


It's almost comical how these environmental groups are pushing for car-free cities because of pollutants, but have not yet forcefully addressed smoking, especially smoking in public.

In the summers I refuse to eat outside in beer gardens or restaurants because I want to enjoy my food/drink - and not inhale the second hand smoke that's all around me. Some people even smoke while they eat - disgusting.
-2018 Mercedes-Benz A250 AMG Line (W177)

WIMMER FOTOGRAFIE - Professional Automotive Photography based in Munich, Germany


Quote from: NomisR on September 09, 2019, 09:48:26 AM
Just curious, do people that support these policies not own cars?

The irony is that in Germany many Green Party voters are from the wealthier classes and drive (among others) big luxury SUVs. There's a cliche here that these people live in big mansion-like homes, have a fleet of fuel-thirsty luxury cars, travel around the world by [private] jet and live a very high-CO2-output lifestyle. They vote Green as a sort of penance for all of their "sins".

We have a saying here: "Grüne Politik muss man sich leisten können!, an allure to the fact that life under a Green Party is going to be very expensive and full of radical changes.

But to answer your question, many of these people hating on SUVs do not have cars, or they have sensible small cars and think they are doing less damage to the environment because of that.

-2018 Mercedes-Benz A250 AMG Line (W177)

WIMMER FOTOGRAFIE - Professional Automotive Photography based in Munich, Germany


Quote from: Submariner on September 09, 2019, 09:50:41 AM
That "teen" Tina looks 40.

It's probably the drug cocktails that she consumes on a daily basis. They make her look old. :lol:
-2018 Mercedes-Benz A250 AMG Line (W177)

WIMMER FOTOGRAFIE - Professional Automotive Photography based in Munich, Germany


Quote from: FoMoJo on September 09, 2019, 09:56:20 AM
Rational discussion of the issue would be preferred.  You have to keep in mind that those who believe the science of climate change, and that global warming is being accelerated by the excessive burning of fossil fuels, have been shouting at brick walls...'fulminating at the void'...for  decades now, and even into 2nd and 3rd generations.  It must be getting frustrating for them to see such little progress and, primarily, the fact that those vested in fossil fuels have been able to control the politicians to do virtually nothing about it.

I know, I know. I am passionate about cars so I view this as an attack on my passion and hobby. And in a way it is. These people are calling for a car-free world. It's insane. What's next? A world in which air travel is forbidden? We will always need cars, trucks, airplanes, ships, trains, scooters and other forms of mobility. Yes, their power sources need to change and become cleaner but that will take time.

Emissions-free driving will be the future, but this is a process which won't happen overnight. Our politicians want a CO2-free Europe by 2050; I think that's impossible unless they enact radical dictatorship type of laws, which with the EU is a possibility. The EU is not a democracy.

But you know, for me the bigger problem is the rapid human population explosion. For me that's the biggest contributing factor to global warming. More people means more space, which means more forests are cut down to create space. More food is needed (food production = very CO2 intensive), more homes, more electricity etc. Every week there are 1 million babies born in Africa. Whatever the West does to lower CO2 emissions is for me a waste of time. We need to stop the population explosion in Africa, Asia and elsewhere. Too many people = too many problems.
-2018 Mercedes-Benz A250 AMG Line (W177)

WIMMER FOTOGRAFIE - Professional Automotive Photography based in Munich, Germany


Quote from: cawimmer430 on September 10, 2019, 04:30:09 AM
The irony is that in Germany many Green Party voters are from the wealthier classes and drive (among others) big luxury SUVs. There's a cliche here that these people live in big mansion-like homes, have a fleet of fuel-thirsty luxury cars, travel around the world by [private] jet and live a very high-CO2-output lifestyle. They vote Green as a sort of penance for all of their "sins".

We have a saying here: "Grüne Politik muss man sich leisten können!, an allure to the fact that life under a Green Party is going to be very expensive and full of radical changes.

But to answer your question, many of these people hating on SUVs do not have cars, or they have sensible small cars and think they are doing less damage to the environment because of that.

Shouldn't they be abandoning cars altogether?    Then again, when you look at the study about people who believe in climate change, it appears that people who don't believe in climate change act in a more eco friendly matter than those who do.  Same apply to those that believes in bigger government are less likely to donate to charitable causes than those who don't.  :huh: