Road Rage

Started by TheIntrepid, January 14, 2007, 12:39:39 PM


Let's post interesting road rage incidents we've witnessed/been a part of.

I'll start.

I don't get road rage, but I do get pissed off with slow left-lane hogs. Yesterday I was doing about 80 in a 70 in the left lane and I come up on this lady in a black Corolla doing about 55. I blinked my high-beams at her but she didn't budge. I passed on the right and cut in pretty close to her, turned on my 4-way flashers and pointed out my sunroof to the right lane. She immediately moved over.

What has happened with you guys?

2004 Chrysler Intrepid R/T Clone - Titanium Graphite [3.5L V6 - 250hp]
1996 BMW 325i Convertible - Brilliant Black [2.5L I6 - 189hp]


I had some guy in an Impala SS (a new one, with that big powerful V8) pull out in front of me.  I had to slow down to about 30 (in a 55, I was going 60) and he accelerated about as fast as a huge diesel pick-up.  I was just thinking to myself, "come on, you have, what, 300 HP under the hood?!  Use it if you're going to pull in front of me like that instead of waiting an extra 5 seconds to get on the road..."...

Oh well.  :lockedup: :tounge:


Left lane campers..........DUST THEM ALL.


i posted one in the chat thread. someguy was tailgating me for about 3 kilometers and very close at that so i did the next best(:rolleyes:) thing to a break check, i pulled my break enough to activate the rear ligt but not the break. and i jerked forward as i did that to give him an impression of slamming on the breaks. that guy slammed the breaks and slid/skidded to a stop while i got off the road into a smaller road to get away incase he comes after me.


2004 Chrysler Intrepid R/T Clone - Titanium Graphite [3.5L V6 - 250hp]
1996 BMW 325i Convertible - Brilliant Black [2.5L I6 - 189hp]


i was laughing as he was sliding. i'm happy nothing serious happened to him.

The Pirate

I can't stand left lane hogs either, they are especially annoying on city roads, but I try to be as unobtrusive as possible.  It's just not worth it to get yourself all bent out of shape over somebody else's idiocy, especially if you can't change it.  I pass on the right whenever it's needed and safe to do so.  If there is a lot of traffic, and some dolt is tying up the left lane, I just suck it up, slow down and stay in the right lane until conditions warrant a safe pass.

Failure to use turn signals too, I hate that and have had too many close calls because somebody isn't paying attention and fails to signal.
1989 Audi 80 quattro, 2001 Mazda Protege ES

Secretary of the "I Survived the Volvo S80 thread" Club

Quote from: omicron on July 10, 2007, 10:58:12 PM
After you wake up with the sun at 6am on someone's floor, coughing up cigarette butts and tasting like warm beer, you may well change your opinion on this matter.


Quote from: The Pirate on January 14, 2007, 01:35:57 PM
I can't stand left lane hogs either, they are especially annoying on city roads, but I try to be as unobtrusive as possible.  It's just not worth it to get yourself all bent out of shape over somebody else's idiocy, especially if you can't change it.  I pass on the right whenever it's needed and safe to do so.  If there is a lot of traffic, and some dolt is tying up the left lane, I just suck it up, slow down and stay in the right lane until conditions warrant a safe pass.

Failure to use turn signals too, I hate that and have had too many close calls because somebody isn't paying attention and fails to signal.
my advice to you: don't drive if you ever come to india. people rarely signal, there is usually no lane dicipline and people are all too happy to use their horns.

The Pirate

Quote from: heelntoe on January 14, 2007, 01:43:42 PM
my advice to you: don't drive if you ever come to india. people rarely signal, there is usually no lane dicipline and people are all too happy to use their horns.

Is it true that if a person from another country was involved in an accident in India, they are automatically at fault?  The reasoning is if said person wasn't in the country, the accident never would have happened.

My grandfather traveled a lot for business, and was in India a lot (he worked for an international engineering firm), and I remember him telling me a story about that, and why he always got a driver when he traveled.  I can't remember if it was India or a different country though.

If I did go to India, I would bring a bicycle or rely on public transportation for sure.
1989 Audi 80 quattro, 2001 Mazda Protege ES

Secretary of the "I Survived the Volvo S80 thread" Club

Quote from: omicron on July 10, 2007, 10:58:12 PM
After you wake up with the sun at 6am on someone's floor, coughing up cigarette butts and tasting like warm beer, you may well change your opinion on this matter.


Quote from: The Pirate on January 14, 2007, 01:48:09 PM

Is it true that if a person from another country was involved in an accident in India, they are automatically at fault?  The reasoning is if said person wasn't in the country, the accident never would have happened.

My grandfather traveled a lot for business, and was in India a lot (he worked for an international engineering firm), and I remember him telling me a story about that, and why he always got a driver when he traveled.  I can't remember if it was India or a different country though.

If I did go to India, I would bring a bicycle or rely on public transportation for sure.
i'm not sure. but the person with the biggest vehicle is always at fault(not by law mind you, but by the mob that gathers) the reasoning is that if you could afford the vehicle, you are rich and that means they can fleece you of some money.


I have a tough time with folks who tailgate me even when I am doing 10-15mph over the speed limit. 

A funny story about a friend of mine from New Hampster:

He was cruising down this stretch of road before our dealership which is 30, but everyone usually goes about 40, which he was.  He had another coworker with him.  This guy proceeds to tailgate him furiously for the next mile or so, only to eventually pull off at a restaurant.  My friend sees him pulling off and pulls over himself, backs up to him and screams "My ten over wasn't %$#&ing fast enough for ya huh?"  The offending party was some old cranky fart who swore back and acted all offended.  My friend wanted to get out and pound the crap outta him, but luckily our coworker restrained him.  "I don't want to have to explain that I had to bail you out of jail for beating the sh!t outta some old man, and that's why we're late for work."  lol!


Left lane campers really annoy me a lot as do impatient passers (I'll speed up so that I can get over as soon as possible, unless you tailgate me in which case I will pace the car beside me just to piss you off). But, I've never been as pissed off as I was last week when a truck (of the eighteen wheeled variety) moved to the left lane at a light because there was one CAR in the right lane! Oh I was pissed.


People who try to get "revenge" on people who don't drive curteously or try to "teach them manners" are as bad or worse than the poor drivers.

Eye of the Tiger

This is what pissed me off a couple of days ago when I was driving down a 4-lane road a few carlengths behind a sherrif's deputy cruiser.
Things I saw happen right in front of the sherrif:

- From the right side, a car pulled onto the road without making a complete stop at the stop sign, then drifted slowly across to the far left lane without any turn signals. That same car proceeded to drive very slowly in the left lane (where there is nowhere to turn left for over a mile). The sherrif moved to the right lane to pass him without signaling.
-Two other cars changed lanes without signaling
-I was cruising at the speedlimit of 45, matching the speed of the sherrif, while other cars just passed right by at 50mph


I can't believe he didn't pull someone over, he was obviously just cruising around with nothing important to do (or he'd be flying through traffic with his lights on, just because he can). It pisses me off that I get a $300 speeding ticket when there's no traffic around, but then I see all this happen in the middle of traffic and nothing is done about it. :rage:
2008 TUNDRA (Truck Ultra-wideband Never-say-die Daddy Rottweiler Awesome)

L. ed foote

Never had a problem.  If they're driving slower than me, I pass them, if they're driving faster than me, I yield to them.
Member, Self Preservation Society


Quote from: L. ed foote on January 15, 2007, 08:11:21 AM
Never had a problem.? If they're driving slower than me, I pass them, if they're driving faster than me, I yield to them.

I'm guessing there normally aren't a lot of people driving faster than you, Foote.  :evildude:

I can't think of an incident of road rage that I've seen or been involved with.  But then, I drive only 3 miles per day in each direction to a train station, so I'm not out on the roads that much.  I drive more on the weekends, and of course when I take trips.

The closest thing I can think of was in Virginia a few years ago, when I was driving back from Myrtle Beach.  There was a car in the left lane that I wanted to pass, and for some reason, he did everything in his power to prevent me from passing him.  Very strange behavior.  I didn't tailgate him or anything like that.  I remember thinking, "what a f__king a__hole this guy is...."
A good friend will come bail you out of jail...BUT, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, DAMN...that was fun!


Quote from: dazzleman on January 15, 2007, 08:22:49 AM

I can't think of an incident of road rage that I've seen or been involved with. 

Yes but you're abnormally nice ;)

2004 Chrysler Intrepid R/T Clone - Titanium Graphite [3.5L V6 - 250hp]
1996 BMW 325i Convertible - Brilliant Black [2.5L I6 - 189hp]


Quote from: TheIntrepid on January 15, 2007, 08:50:29 AM
Yes but you're abnormally nice ;)

Trust me, I'm not that nice.
A good friend will come bail you out of jail...BUT, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, DAMN...that was fun!


2004 Chrysler Intrepid R/T Clone - Titanium Graphite [3.5L V6 - 250hp]
1996 BMW 325i Convertible - Brilliant Black [2.5L I6 - 189hp]


Quote from: TheIntrepid on January 15, 2007, 09:04:25 AM
Okay Uncle David :lol:

:lol:  I'm usually nice, but I can be a real prick when I want to be, or when I'm given a reason to be.  :evildude:
A good friend will come bail you out of jail...BUT, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, DAMN...that was fun!


2004 Chrysler Intrepid R/T Clone - Titanium Graphite [3.5L V6 - 250hp]
1996 BMW 325i Convertible - Brilliant Black [2.5L I6 - 189hp]


Quote from: ifcar on January 15, 2007, 06:00:02 AM
People who try to get "revenge" on people who don't drive curteously or try to "teach them manners" are as bad or worse than the poor drivers.

:thumbsup:  Best post of the topic.

Eye of the Tiger

People who try to get "revenge" on people who don't drive curteously or try to "teach them manners" are better than the poor drivers and are doing a great service to the driving public.
2008 TUNDRA (Truck Ultra-wideband Never-say-die Daddy Rottweiler Awesome)

Eye of the Tiger

Quote from: NACar on January 15, 2007, 01:15:49 PM
People who try to get "revenge" on people who don't drive curteously or try to "teach them manners" are better than the poor drivers and are doing a great service to the driving public.

:thumbsup: Bestest post of the topic.
2008 TUNDRA (Truck Ultra-wideband Never-say-die Daddy Rottweiler Awesome)




2004 Chrysler Intrepid R/T Clone - Titanium Graphite [3.5L V6 - 250hp]
1996 BMW 325i Convertible - Brilliant Black [2.5L I6 - 189hp]


Quote from: NACar on January 15, 2007, 01:15:49 PM
People who try to get "revenge" on people who don't drive curteously or try to "teach them manners" are better than the poor drivers and are doing a great service to the driving public.

Well, its your blood pressure. 

Eye of the Tiger

Do you mean 124/85? That's well within the normal range. :lol:
2008 TUNDRA (Truck Ultra-wideband Never-say-die Daddy Rottweiler Awesome)


Quote from: giant_mtb on January 14, 2007, 12:46:16 PM
I had some guy in an Impala SS (a new one, with that big powerful V8) pull out in front of me.  I had to slow down to about 30 (in a 55, I was going 60) and he accelerated about as fast as a huge diesel pick-up.  I was just thinking to myself, "come on, you have, what, 300 HP under the hood?!  Use it if you're going to pull in front of me like that instead of waiting an extra 5 seconds to get on the road..."...

Oh well.  :lockedup: :tounge:

This happens to me almost really bothers me when nobody's behind me and they could have waited 15 seconds longer.  If its a particularly egregious case (like I almost hit them) I'll flash my lights, but usually I just let it go.


Aw. I thought Speed Racer was back.

2004 Chrysler Intrepid R/T Clone - Titanium Graphite [3.5L V6 - 250hp]
1996 BMW 325i Convertible - Brilliant Black [2.5L I6 - 189hp]