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Auto Talk => Driving and the Law => Topic started by: VTEC_Inside on April 12, 2010, 06:56:17 PM

Title: The agressive moron..
Post by: VTEC_Inside on April 12, 2010, 06:56:17 PM
Most people on the roads are what I would term the passive idiot type. Too nonchalant about driving to even notice that they are breaking the simplest rules that would otherwise keep traffic flowing smoothly.

Today marked another personal encounter with one of the aggressive idiot type.

It began when I merged in front of said idiot coming onto the highway. Signaling as always, I really had no where to go as the passive idiot in front of me had failed to get up to an appropriate speed to merge more safely. That said, there was plenty of room as I pulled in front of him and got honked at. As soon as possible I was over in the left lane and the fucktard in his Daewoo was nothing but a distant memory in my rear view as I was finally able to open it up.

The next 5min I did my typical weaving around slow pokes in the left lane. Aggressive? Sure, but not cutting anyone off, and always signaling my lane changes.

Upon exiting that highway I heard tires lock up somewhere in my vicinity. Mr Daewoo was back and just about clipping my right side, "great"... He had to have dive bombed someone else bad because there were two cars behind me as I exited. I was content to let him follow me until he got it out of his system, but he was being a bit reckless, weaving and riding my ass. So whatever, I let him pass me as I prepared for the inevitable brake check. Now hes holding me up (and everyone else) at about 20kph below the limit. I waited until the last second to take an off ramp hoping to be through with the tool but he cut across three lanes after me.

Fortunately he was content to carry on his business after cutting me off one final time. I pulled a u-turn in a side street and carried on home.

I think I handled it ok. I mean there was no way the Daewoo would have kept up if I hadn't let him.

Anyone else had one of these?
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: Tave on April 12, 2010, 07:00:56 PM

In all my years of driving, I've never pissed someone off badly enough that he followed me and tried to retaliate. :huh:
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: VTEC_Inside on April 12, 2010, 07:08:58 PM
Quote from: Tave on April 12, 2010, 07:00:56 PM

In all my years of driving, I've never pissed someone off badly enough that he followed me and tried to retaliate. :huh:

That's the thing. I could accept it if I had actually done something to piss the guy off, but as far as I know, I was about as courteous as possible when I merged. There was simply no where else to go, and there was room.
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: GoCougs on April 12, 2010, 07:42:53 PM
I've had two confrontations this week alone. At the end of the day, some people pieces of subhuman garbage (PoSHG) just feed off of confrontation. Their lives are so miserable their only validation is bullying and terrorizing people on the open road. They'd serve the gene pool and society in general if they caught a bullet or better yet died screaming from a horrifically painful, chronic disease.

I've actually become pretty good at spotting the trouble makers and what sets them off; in my experience the two main groups are cars typically driven by kids (riced-out POS, and Jettas and the like), and modified pickups and SUVs. Any displace of acceleration, any intrusion on "their" space and any reaction to their driving or their actions and I know I've got a 50/50 chance of some sort of confrontation on my hands

At the end of it all, it's best to ignore them and otherwise not stoop to their level. Extremely hard I know, and though I have yet to have a physical confrontation (been close a few times) both would likely be in a heap of trouble if there's a fight or an accident. Plus, you never know if you'll get that one PoSHG who has a knife or a gun.
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: VTEC_Inside on April 12, 2010, 07:50:22 PM
It kinda makes me feel a little better than I'm not the only one that has encountered one of these tools.

Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: giant_mtb on April 12, 2010, 08:02:47 PM
One time, I was trying to merge and some douche didn't let me in.  I had to slam on the brakes to get behind him, and then proceeded to honk at him and go by him quickly in the left lane.  Fortunately at the light a couple miles down the road, he ended up right next to me.  Rolled his window down and started yelling things like "what, what now?! You wanna get out?! C'mon pussy!"

To be honest, I was scared.  But, he was driving a Protege.  So I took off from the light quickly and defeated his lawnmower engine.
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: TurboDan on April 12, 2010, 08:08:17 PM
There was a guy on the Garden State Parkway who was also a slow merger. I got into the left lane and passed him, and he apparently wasn't too happy. When it was time for me to get off at the next exit, he purposely sped up and slowed back down as to not allow me to return to the right lane. This is a highway where everyone is going 80 and this pile of shit of a man is playing games. Finally, I make sure no one is behind me and slam the brakes pretty good and am able to get behind him. I shake my head and just say "Fuck You" and evidently he was looking in his mirror and read my lips. He instantly goes out of his mind and now is motioning for me to pull over to the side of the highway so we can engage in what I assume to be a fist fight.

I got off the next exit and denied him the opportunity to have the shit beat out of him.
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: GoCougs on April 12, 2010, 08:12:50 PM
Actually, I run into a PoSHG about once a month. Like any red-blooded American I used to play along and otherwise not put up with their BS, but in the end it's just asking for major major trouble on all sorts of levels. Could even result in an innocent person getting injured or killed. The frustration with having to take ignore/take it is a lot better I've found. And it usually is over much quicker. Sometimes I can't help myself and do respond but I don't take it very far.
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: giant_mtb on April 12, 2010, 08:13:29 PM
Quote from: TurboDan on April 12, 2010, 08:08:17 PM
There was a guy on the Garden State Parkway who was also a slow merger. I got into the left lane and passed him, and he apparently wasn't too happy. When it was time for me to get off at the next exit, he purposely sped up and slowed back down as to not allow me to return to the right lane. This is a highway where everyone is going 80 and this pile of shit of a man is playing games. Finally, I make sure no one is behind me and slam the brakes pretty good and am able to get behind him. I shake my head and just say "Fuck You" and evidently he was looking in his mirror and read my lips. He instantly goes out of his mind and now is motioning for me to pull over to the side of the highway so we can engage in what I assume to be a fist fight.

I got off the next exit and denied him the opportunity to have the shit beat out of him.


Road ragers like that are almost incentive for me to get a concealed weapons permit to keep a little pistol handy in the glovebox.  Not that I would EVER use it, but I think brandishing a gun alone in a tense situation like that would be deterrent enough...assuming they aren't carrying as well and decide to take their rage out in bullets.

:mask: :mask:
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: Raza on April 12, 2010, 08:39:15 PM
Quote from: Tave on April 12, 2010, 07:00:56 PM

In all my years of driving, I've never pissed someone off badly enough that he followed me and tried to retaliate. :huh:

I've had it happen to me several times, including one where someone tried to run me off the road because I was stuck behind someone else and made a hand gesture showing him that (literally, I did a full hand point, nothing aggressive, to the car in front of me that he could clearly see because I was in the Boxster top down and he was in an M45).
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: The Phantom on April 12, 2010, 10:32:45 PM
Quote from: giant_mtb on April 12, 2010, 08:02:47 PM
One time, I was trying to merge and some douche didn't let me in.  I had to slam on the brakes to get behind him, and then proceeded to honk at him and go by him quickly in the left lane.  Fortunately at the light a couple miles down the road, he ended up right next to me.  Rolled his window down and started yelling things like "what, what now?! You wanna get out?! C'mon pussy!"

To be honest, I was scared.  But, he was driving a Protege.  So I took off from the light quickly and defeated his lawnmower engine.

I guarandamntee you that if you would've gotten out and walked up to his window, he would've just talked shit and driven off when the light changed.  Those people are actually funny.

A former co-worker and I were driving home in the box truck one day, when he accidentally cut somebody off during his lane change to exit (two highways come into one, six lanes turn to four, with the three right lanes exiting).  The guy followed us off the highway and when we got to a stop, he looked up at us with this "menacing" look.  I just looked at him and smiled, giving him the, "I don't know!" shoulder shrug.  It was either that, or maybe getting shot.  He turned at the light and that was it.
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: GoCougs on April 13, 2010, 01:23:41 PM
Quote from: giant_mtb on April 12, 2010, 08:13:29 PM

Road ragers like that are almost incentive for me to get a concealed weapons permit to keep a little pistol handy in the glovebox.  Not that I would EVER use it, but I think brandishing a gun alone in a tense situation like that would be deterrent enough...assuming they aren't carrying as well and decide to take their rage out in bullets.

:mask: :mask:

Which would most likely get you reported to the police and a corresponding arrest/conviction for brandishing, and even possibly get you (legally) shot should the other driver also be carrying.
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: S204STi on April 13, 2010, 05:08:04 PM
Last week I had a Saturn full of kids who had a beef with me because I honked at their clueless driver for not making a right turn on green (go figure), so once I got past them on the four-lane highway they spent the rest of the trip trying pretty aggressively to get around me.  Each time they were foiled by the flow of traffic alone; it was pretty funny getting one up without even trying. :praise:
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: Eye of the Tiger on April 13, 2010, 05:25:34 PM
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: Rupert on April 13, 2010, 10:48:37 PM
Quote from: Tave on April 12, 2010, 07:00:56 PM

In all my years of driving, I've never pissed someone off badly enough that he followed me and tried to retaliate. :huh:


Except for the time my dumbass friend in the front seat antagonized the SUV driver next to me and I had to do bit of tricky driving to get him off me, but that doesn't count. :lol:
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: dazzleman on April 16, 2010, 08:09:41 PM
Quote from: VTEC_Inside on April 12, 2010, 07:50:22 PM
It kinda makes me feel a little better than I'm not the only one that has encountered one of these tools.

I encounter them rarely, but it has happened.

Another thing I hate is the type of person who indirectly triggered this -- the person who blocks you in the acceleration lane and fails to get up to highway speed.  That drives me nuts.  What the fuck do they think the acceleration lane is for?  So they can drive 30 mph and then merge into cars going twice that speed?
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: SVT_Power on April 16, 2010, 11:07:22 PM
Meh when I encounter these maniacs, i just let them go ahead and hope they fucking get t-boned by a tractor trailer. Well not exactly the second part, but I don't bother keeping up with them. They wanna fucking go nuts, then they're more than welcomed to. Last time a damn ranger was honking and flashing at me from behind for NO reason, I just pulled over and they sped by.
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: dazzleman on April 17, 2010, 06:31:54 AM
Quote from: SVT_Power on April 16, 2010, 11:07:22 PM
Meh when I encounter these maniacs, i just let them go ahead and hope they fucking get t-boned by a tractor trailer. Well not exactly the second part, but I don't bother keeping up with them. They wanna fucking go nuts, then they're more than welcomed to. Last time a damn ranger was honking and flashing at me from behind for NO reason, I just pulled over and they sped by.

That's what I generally do.  I never want assholes like that behind me.  But James was talking about a guy who didn't want merely to pass, but who went out of his way to threaten him and harass him.

I can only recall a couple of major incidents in my years of driving.  Once, not long after I got my license, I went to this crappy, low-end shopping center in Yonkers, NY (I wasn't as much of a snob back then; I'd never go near that place today) and some guy cut me off, tried to block my car in, and then got out and came to open my car door.  I threw the car in reverse and went around him.  I could have run him right down and not given a shit.

More recently, I was driving home from Myrtle Beach and I wanted to pass a particular car.  This guy did everything in his power to keep me from passing him, even though there was no reason not to let me pass.

I really dislike people who drive like that.  Most people are just crappy drivers, some less offensive than others, and some more.
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: Submariner on April 17, 2010, 11:33:45 AM
I was once followed by a PoSHG (Thanks Cougs...that's a good one) once in his riced out 93' Accord.  Evidently, he didn't like how I was driving the speed limit, and repeatedly flashed lights and beeped his horn.  Clearly not a resident of my town, I knew he was following me as I drove down two side streets and back out to the main road.  Unsure of whether it was a call the police situation, I pulled into the busy town square, and parked.  He came up right behind me, closing me in my space.  I got out, ready to draw, when I noticed a police officer 50 yards behind the thug.  He must have noticed the situation, because as soon as I noticed him, he was yelling "you, turn around"  to the man approaching me. 

It turns out the PoSHG was wanted on drug charges in his city, and was arrested shortly after - he had a 8 inch knife on him, BTW.

Though I never have had an encounter similar to that since (aside from the occasional miserable driver cutting me off, etc) I wont get out of my car unless I can do in a police station.  The only reason why I did in the first place was so not to be confined if (as he did) approached.
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: S204STi on April 17, 2010, 05:49:13 PM
Good thing you were packing.  That reminds me I need to sign up for that concealed carry class...
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: Submariner on April 17, 2010, 07:39:14 PM
Quote from: R-inge on April 17, 2010, 05:49:13 PM
Good thing you were packing.  That reminds me I need to sign up for that concealed carry class...

The story was hushed up by our towns newspaper - any word of a black man in town with a knife might cause a mass exodus of the white dental/lawyer/rich people class.  Then again, I'm glad it was.  I had no desire for any of that wretched affair to be known to anyone. 

He was a scary looking man, no doubt, but I'm fairly sure my reaching under my shirt registered quite quickly with him - at least his eyes told me so.  It was over in a few seconds though - the officer was over in a few seconds and had the PoSHG on the ground and in cuffs.  My girlfriend was fairly shaken up, and although I played the tough guy on the outside, so was I.

When I would drive with my dad, he would always tell me if I were in a situation like that, never to get out of the car, and instead call the police.  Thinking that course of action was too drastic, I decided to try and diffuse the situation by driving to a public area and scaring him away via the midday soccer mom mania at the shops (or as some spell it, shoppes  :rolleyes:) Clearly, the man was an animal and I have no doubt that if it weren't for the cop, or my actions, he would have stabbed myself and very likely my girlfriend.  Though there is a reason why I passionately believe in 2nd amendment rights, I do believe I will take the safe route and call the police if my gut ever tells me to do so again. 
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: Submariner on April 17, 2010, 07:45:42 PM
Quote from: giant_mtb on April 12, 2010, 08:13:29 PM

Road ragers like that are almost incentive for me to get a concealed weapons permit to keep a little pistol handy in the glovebox.  Not that I would EVER use it, but I think brandishing a gun alone in a tense situation like that would be deterrent enough...assuming they aren't carrying as well and decide to take their rage out in bullets.

:mask: :mask:

I understand where you're coming from, but IMO it's best never to use a weapon unless it's an absolute last resort.  The only reason I intended to at least produce mine was because I (foolishly) parked in a spot with cars all around, and he blocked me in.  when I looked in my rear view mirror and saw he was getting out of his car, I knew that my girlfriend and myself were sitting targets and I had to take proactive action to put an end to the situation.  

I'm not even sure he saw it.  I had my hand on it, but I'm fairly sure my shirt was concealing it.  It didn't matter though.  He knew what was coming and he had no chance of beating me.

But like I said, don't get in the mindset that a weapon is a good deterrent in a situation like that.  If another motorist saw you brandishing a pistol, it is very likely that you could be reported, and face a great deal of pain from the 20 or so LEO's rushing to respond to a "crazy man driving with a gun"

Ultimately, the best defense against miserable PoSHG (God Cougs, that's a good one) is to simply ignore their tactics.  Someone yell's "fuck you, cunt!" at you?  Drive away and pay the lowlife no attention.  If someone cuts you off, do your best to keep on driving and do not engage the filth.  Unless your physical self is threatened, it's always better to let those leading lives of emotional squalor to have their minute or so of personal stardom, then get on with their own menial affairs. 
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: giant_mtb on April 17, 2010, 07:47:42 PM
Quote from: Submariner on April 17, 2010, 07:45:42 PM
I understand where you're coming from, but IMO it's best never to use a weapon unless it's an absolute last resort.  The only reason I intended to at least produce mine was because I (foolishly) parked in a spot with cars all around, and he blocked me in.  when I looked in my rear view mirror and saw he was getting out of his car, I knew that I and my girlfriend were sitting targets and had to take proactive action to put an end to the situation. 

I'm not even sure he saw it.  I had my hand on it, but I'm fairly sure my shirt was concealing it.  It didn't matter though.  He knew what was coming and he had no chance of beating it.

But like I said, don't get in the mindset that a weapon is a good deterrent in a situation like that.  If another motorist saw you brandishing a pistol, it is very likely that you could be reported, and face a great deal of pain from the 20 or so LEO's rushing to respond to a "crazy man driving with a gun"

Of course.  Things like guns should only be a last resort, as you mentioned.  In your situation, for instance.  Or like that one video on YouTube where some rednecks in a truck followed some bro in a Bimmer for a while and he led them down a secluded road and whipped out his pistol. :lol:
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: Rupert on April 17, 2010, 10:29:53 PM
Don't pack it if you don't think you can use it.

If the other person also has a gun, your threat is suddenly much less, and you're either gonna get shot, or shoot.
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: J86 on April 18, 2010, 06:49:31 AM
Not to mention if you shoot first, you're the deadly aggressor and have fun with that...
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: dazzleman on April 18, 2010, 08:06:13 AM
Quote from: J86 on April 18, 2010, 06:49:31 AM
Not to mention if you shoot first, you're the deadly aggressor and have fun with that...

Well, I would imagine that if you could prove you shot first in self defense and were not the aggressor in the conflict, that would be a lot different than an aggressor shooting first.

Zach was really lucky in his case.  And his statements about the media confirm the worst that I already know -- how they manipulate and withhold news that they should be reporting in order to advance a certain political agenda.
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: J86 on April 18, 2010, 08:19:26 AM
Quote from: dazzleman on April 18, 2010, 08:06:13 AM
Well, I would imagine that if you could prove you shot first in self defense and were not the aggressor in the conflict, that would be a lot different than an aggressor shooting first.

Zach was really lucky in his case.  And his statements about the media confirm the worst that I already know -- how they manipulate and withhold news that they should be reporting in order to advance a certain political agenda.

From my limited reading of criminal law, if you're shooting first, you're going to have a veeeeeery difficult, if not impossible sell that you were justified in doing so, barring the other guy actually trying to knife you.  Even then, in some jurisdictions...
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: dazzleman on April 18, 2010, 08:20:57 AM
Quote from: J86 on April 18, 2010, 08:19:26 AM
From my limited reading of criminal law, if you're shooting first, you're going to have a veeeeeery difficult, if not impossible sell that you were justified in doing so, barring the other guy actually trying to knife you.  Even then, in some jurisdictions...

Better to be judged by 12 than killed by a bullet.

If I thought some fucking thug was imminently going to shoot me, I'd have no hesitation about blowing his head off.
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: J86 on April 18, 2010, 08:21:57 AM
Quote from: dazzleman on April 18, 2010, 08:20:57 AM
If I thought some fucking thug was imminently going to shoot me, I'd have no hesitation about blowing his head off.

Sure, but now you're changing the facts from the original hypo.  :lol:
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: dazzleman on April 18, 2010, 08:24:38 AM
Quote from: J86 on April 18, 2010, 08:21:57 AM
Sure, but now you're changing the facts from the original hypo.  :lol:

I don't remember the original hypo.

I don't even carry a gun and I'm a terrible shot.  So any thought of me blowing somebody's head off is also purely hypothetical.

But I have a cold streak in me, whereby once a person crosses a certain line in his behavior, I no longer regard the person as deserving of basic human consideration.  The death of such a person would bother me no more than crushing a fly.  I would put anybody who pointed a gun at me or tried to harm me (or anybody else) without legitimate provocation squarely into that category.
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: S204STi on April 18, 2010, 08:32:54 AM
I think some guys like Lebowski have made a good point about matching force with force.  Sometimes it's better to also carry some pepper spray and use that to incapacitate the guy rather than drawing your firearm.  Basically, it should be the last thing you do.
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: Submariner on April 18, 2010, 08:38:14 PM
Quote from: J86 on April 18, 2010, 08:19:26 AM
From my limited reading of criminal law, if you're shooting first, you're going to have a veeeeeery difficult, if not impossible sell that you were justified in doing so, barring the other guy actually trying to knife you.  Even then, in some jurisdictions...

My case would have been relatively straight forward.  Then again, I had a lot in my favor.  My car was boxed in, the man was armed, he had a criminal history that spanned from here to Boston and he was a wanted man.  Then again, I'd assume not many cases would have such obvious intent with regards to the aggressor...
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: Submariner on April 18, 2010, 08:41:54 PM
Quote from: R-inge on April 18, 2010, 08:32:54 AM
I think some guys like Lebowski have made a good point about matching force with force.  Sometimes it's better to also carry some pepper spray and use that to incapacitate the guy rather than drawing your firearm.  Basically, it should be the last thing you do.

That's a valid point.  Though, in my case, the very action of reaching into my shirt was enough to stop the thug in his tracks.  Like I said, I don't even think he saw a weapon, but he knew better than to charge...

Brandishing a weapon can be a very successful deterrent, too. 
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: Rupert on April 18, 2010, 08:53:31 PM
Or it can be a very successful way to get shot. :huh:
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: GoCougs on April 18, 2010, 08:58:50 PM
Brandishing is a crime in many/most jurisdictions and most civil defense instructors will similarly tell you it is an extremely bad idea from a tactical POV.
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: S204STi on April 18, 2010, 09:11:39 PM
It's like the saying, don't point a gun at something unless you intend to destroy it.  Don't show it off unless you plan to use it.
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: Rupert on April 18, 2010, 09:13:00 PM
Aye. A gun is a serious and deadly tool, and not the equivalent of a puffed-out chest and mean look.
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: Submariner on April 18, 2010, 10:07:50 PM
If an aggressor is coming at you, drawing a pistol and pointing it at him usually stops him dead in his tracks.  One doesn't need to fire a shot to accomplish this.  

I wasn't claiming that the best way to deal with a situation is to pull out a gun, hold it out to the side all the while yelling "what up not, bitch! check my 9!"

As I said before, the only time such an action should be taken is when one feels it's absolutely necessary for ones safety, and all other options have been exhausted.  I don't think of a gun as an expensive penis pump, and never will. 
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: Rupert on April 18, 2010, 11:04:33 PM
It might stop the person, or it might not, and you'll have to shoot them. Or, they'll stop and pull their own gun out, and you'll have to shoot them.

The action that you're doing is not, "pulling out a gun," it's "getting ready to shoot someone."
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: Submariner on April 19, 2010, 09:42:37 AM
Quote from: Rupert on April 18, 2010, 11:04:33 PM
It might stop the person, or it might not, and you'll have to shoot them. Or, they'll stop and pull their own gun out, and you'll have to shoot them.

The action that you're doing is not, "pulling out a gun," it's "getting ready to shoot someone."

Yes, the intent to shoot usually stops someone from reacting in kind.  Most police officers dont draw their gun, only to see the thug reach for his.  I suspect there would be far fewer criminals on the street if that were the case.

Reaching for mace could very likely be construed as me reaching for a gun.  In that scenario, I might temporarily disable someone, but they also may be firing a pistol wildly in the air, with the potential to hit myself, or innocent bystanders.

Your point is well taken, though.  It's a tricky situation either way.  
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: GoCougs on April 19, 2010, 10:55:54 AM
If said aggressor isn't presenting an imminent danger of death or grievous bodily harm; he's merely coming at you without a weapon; you now become the criminal for drawing down on him (at least in my state, I have to imagine many/most/all other states are similar).
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: Submariner on April 19, 2010, 01:05:00 PM
Quote from: GoCougs on April 19, 2010, 10:55:54 AM
If said aggressor isn't presenting an imminent danger of death or grievous bodily harm; he's merely coming at you without a weapon; you now become the criminal for drawing down on him (at least in my state, I have to imagine many/most/all other states are similar).

I remember my instructor at S&W saying that it's not a crime to draw a weapon if someone is demonstrating that they have every intent to come at you and cause you physical harm - gun or not.  I may have misunderstood him, in which case, I should probably have that law clarified.  I guess I should be thankful then that I didn't in fact go past the reaching stage.

Again, I was boxed in and I felt that I was in danger of being seriously harmed (he followed me a good distance just to get the chance).  I understand that the fact he had a knife on him was irrelevant, as I didn't know until after, but I'd wager a good deal on him using it if he got within range of me.  
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: GoCougs on April 19, 2010, 01:48:47 PM
Quote from: Submariner on April 19, 2010, 01:05:00 PM
I remember my instructor at S&W saying that it's not a crime to draw a weapon if someone is demonstrating that they have every intent to come at you and cause you physical harm - gun or not.  I may have misunderstood him, in which case, I should probably have that law clarified.  I guess I should be thankful then that I didn't in fact go past the reaching stage.

Again, I was boxed in and I felt that I was in danger of being seriously harmed (he followed me a good distance just to get the chance).  I understand that the fact he had a knife on him was irrelevant, as I didn't know until after, but I'd wager a good deal on him using it if he got within range of me.   

Its intent is likely to make the legal gun carrier avoid at all possible avenues any confrontation that may lead to an escalation to deadly force. My state however also has a "stand your ground" law, meaning if you find yourself in a confrontation that has not yet escalated to the point of lethality you do not have to retreat (which n some states you have to retreat by law if you are carrying).
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: Submariner on April 19, 2010, 02:00:10 PM
Quote from: GoCougs on April 19, 2010, 01:48:47 PM
Its intent is likely to make the legal gun carrier avoid at all possible avenues any confrontation that may lead to an escalation to deadly force. My state however also has a "stand your ground" law, meaning if you find yourself in a confrontation that has not yet escalated to the point of lethality you do not have to retreat (which n some states you have to retreat by law if you are carrying).

It's understandable - a gun should be an absolute last resort.

Not only was I literally boxed in (the cars were tightly parked - I could squeeze by, but he would have caught me, but my girlfriend was a sitting target.  Even with locked doors, the thug could have broken the window to get to her.

I suppose ramming his vehicle would have been an option, but I guess a vehicle is no different than a firearm at that point...
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: TBR on April 19, 2010, 07:11:11 PM
2 lane country road at night. I am going the speed limit of 55, but this redneck in a Dodge Ram is tailgating me. I decide to accommodate him as I don't want him right on my bumper in case of an emergency stop (deer season) so I inch it up to 60-62. Still tailgating and now he flashes his brights. I slow back down to the speed limit, he continues tailgating and flashing, and eventually makes an unsafe pass. I make the mistake of flash my brights to let him know he's a douche. This didn't sit well with him so he slams on the brakes. So, 15 seconds after tailgating me while I am going 5 over he's going 30ish in a 55. I drive a mile or so past my house (it's directly off the road), and then pull a quick u-turn and go back. This all happens in about 4 miles. This entire road is maybe 8 miles long so going faster than 55 serves almost no purpose.
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: Eye of the Tiger on April 19, 2010, 07:12:33 PM
Quote from: TBR on April 19, 2010, 07:11:11 PM
2 lane country road at night. I am going the speed limit of 55, but this redneck in a Dodge Ram is tailgating me. I decide to accommodate him as I don't want him right on my bumper in case of an emergency stop (deer season) so I inch it up to 60-62. Still tailgating and now he flashes his brights. I slow back down to the speed limit, he continues tailgating and flashing, and eventually makes an unsafe pass. I make the mistake of flash my brights to let him know he's a douche. This didn't sit well with him so he slams on the brakes. So, 15 seconds after tailgating me while I am going 5 over he's going 30ish in a 55. I drive a mile or so past my house (it's directly off the road), and then pull a quick u-turn and go back. This all happens in about 4 miles. This entire road is maybe 8 miles long so going faster than 55 serves almost no purpose.

It's flash to pass, not flash to be a douche to the douche, douche.
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: TBR on April 19, 2010, 07:16:52 PM
Quote from: Eye of the Tiger on April 19, 2010, 07:12:33 PM
It's flash to pass, not flash to be a douche to the douche, douche.

How I am supposed to help him pass me on a two lane road with no shoulder? Especially when you're on a road that consists almost entirely of blind curves.
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: Eye of the Tiger on April 19, 2010, 07:19:49 PM
Quote from: TBR on April 19, 2010, 07:16:52 PM
How I am supposed to help him pass me on a two lane road with no shoulder? Especially when you're on a road that consists almost entirely of blind curves.

According to this poll, 68% of people think flashing a polite way to request that you allow him/her to pass (Dodge Ram)
While 23% think it is an act of aggression or road rage (TBR)

If someone flashes, you slam on  your brakes and swerve off the road, immediately, to let them by.   :heated:
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: TBR on April 19, 2010, 07:23:47 PM
Quote from: Eye of the Tiger on April 19, 2010, 07:19:49 PM
According to this poll, 68% of people think flashing a polite way to request that you allow him/her to pass (Dodge Ram)
While 23% think it is an act of aggression or road rage (TBR)

If someone flashes, you slam on  your brakes and swerve off the road, immediately, to let them by.   :heated:

Well, in this case the 23% are right.
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: Eye of the Tiger on April 19, 2010, 07:25:53 PM
Quote from: TBR on April 19, 2010, 07:23:47 PM
Well, in this case the 23% are right.

Maybe there was a time, but nobody ever actually uses it for passing, anymore. The switch might be labeled "PASS", but they could just remove the "P" and save some money.
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: dazzleman on April 19, 2010, 07:32:04 PM
Quote from: TBR on April 19, 2010, 07:23:47 PM
Well, in this case the 23% are right.

My driver's manual said that if you're going to pass a car on a 2-lane road, you should flash your brights to signal intent to pass.
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: Eye of the Tiger on April 19, 2010, 07:39:02 PM
Quote from: dazzleman on April 19, 2010, 07:32:04 PM
My driver's manual said that if you're going to pass a car on a 2-lane road, you should flash your brights to signal intent to pass.

Signaling intent to pass is like saying hey, "you're a slow bitch and I'm better than you at life, so get out of my way", and their response to that rarely has anything to do with letting you pass. It's better just to surprise the shit out of them so they can't block you.
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: Byteme on April 20, 2010, 06:35:36 AM
Quote from: Eye of the Tiger on April 19, 2010, 07:39:02 PM
Signaling intent to pass is like saying hey, "you're a slow bitch and I'm better than you at life, so get out of my way", and their response to that rarely has anything to do with letting you pass. It's better just to surprise the shit out of them so they can't block you.

I think it has a lot to do with location.  Just about anywhere I've driven outside of major metro areas flash to pass is accepted for just what it implies.  Slide up behind another car going slower in a multilane highway, flash your lights and they generally move to the left.  On a two lane road you signal, pull out to pass and flash your lights to let them know you are coming around.  We were taught that for that situation you flash your lights at night, and give a brief tap on the horn during daylight just to let the guy you are passing know you are there.  It helps if you don't fly up behind the guy at 90 MPH and then tailgate while planning your pass.  In most of the country courtesy is returned if it's given.

I was taught long ago to flash my lights at at 18 wheelers after they pass me to let them know when it's safe for them to pull back over.  About 70% of the time I'm given a blink of their running lights as acknowledgement.  

In a lot of areas in rural Texas slower drivers will pull over onto the shoulder on a two lane road, if the shoulder is paved, to let faster driver's by.  Again, it helps is one doesn't drive like an ass while hoping the slower driver will pull over.
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: r0tor on April 20, 2010, 10:40:57 AM
Usually in these situations I tend to take a turn at 2-3x the recommended speed, and usually the asshat will follow me and either crash (happened 3 times already) or almost crash (happened many more times)
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: GoCougs on April 20, 2010, 11:14:42 AM
I don't think it's an act of road rage but I still think it's being a jerk save for an extenuating circumstance; such as you're driving a hay truck that can do more than 20 mph, then sure it's a courtesy. TBR's most recent is indicative of what I see; people being bullies or otherwise forcing others to accommodate driving above and beyond prevailing and/or common sense rules of the road. (I have to admit I've done it myself.)

Do that on your on time IMO; please don't inconvenience me, expect me to pull off the road, or suffer the risk of you AJFoyting it down the highway. I think it's just easier to drive like a regular person and do your thing without inconveniencing, agitating or bullying others, and don't be too surprised if you get return behavior you don't like. We are Americans after all; "Don't Tread on Me" is the operative phrase here.
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: S204STi on April 20, 2010, 06:11:23 PM
Quote from: r0tor on April 20, 2010, 10:40:57 AM
Usually in these situations I tend to take a turn at 2-3x the recommended speed, and usually the asshat will follow me and either crash (happened 3 times already) or almost crash (happened many more times)

Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: BimmerM3 on April 21, 2010, 12:59:02 AM
Quote from: dazzleman on April 18, 2010, 08:24:38 AM
I don't remember the original hypo.

I don't even carry a gun and I'm a terrible shot.  So any thought of me blowing somebody's head off is also purely hypothetical.

At the ranges we're talking about here, I don't think it matters how bad of a shot you are.

Quote from: J86 on April 18, 2010, 08:21:57 AM
Sure, but now you're changing the facts from the original hypo.  :lol:

In what situations would shooting first be acceptable?
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: BimmerM3 on April 21, 2010, 01:09:42 AM
Quote from: r0tor on April 20, 2010, 10:40:57 AM
Usually in these situations I tend to take a turn at 2-3x the recommended speed, and usually the asshat will follow me and either crash (happened 3 times already) or almost crash (happened many more times)

Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: Rupert on April 21, 2010, 02:01:40 AM
Whenever I read this thread title, I see, The aggressive maroon. :huh:
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: mzziaz on April 21, 2010, 02:49:46 AM
Quote from: Rupert on April 21, 2010, 02:01:40 AM
Whenever I read this thread title, I see, The aggressive maroon. :huh:

Me too!  :huh:
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: Raza on April 21, 2010, 06:53:14 AM
Quote from: EtypeJohn on April 20, 2010, 06:35:36 AM
I was taught long ago to flash my lights at at 18 wheelers after they pass me to let them know when it's safe for them to pull back over.  About 70% of the time I'm given a blink of their running lights as acknowledgement.  

I've never heard of that one before.  Then again, it's rare that I'm passed by an 18 wheeler, so it doesn't come into play much. 
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: Byteme on April 21, 2010, 07:08:29 AM
Quote from: Raza  link=topic=21767.msg1311949#msg1311949 date=1271854394
I've never heard of that one before.  Then again, it's rare that I'm passed by an 18 wheeler, so it doesn't come into play much. 

Really?  A previous brother in law was a truck driver and he showed me a lot of things like that.  Watch truckers as the pass each other on the interstate and you will frequently see them signaling each other like that.   Like flashing their lights at oncoming traffic to warn of speed traps it's probably not done as often today since CB radios offer better communication opportunities.

Normally on a trip I'll be doing about 5 over the limit and passing probably 75% of the 18 wheelers.  The other 25% are in more of a hurry.  75 in a 70 zone keeps me virtually invisible to the cops and generally gets me there fast enough.  The difference batween 75 and 80 MPH on a 200 mile trip is 10 minutes, an insignificant amount of time, especially considering the cost and hassle of a ticket and the added fuel cost.

Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: Raza on April 21, 2010, 07:30:47 AM
Quote from: EtypeJohn on April 21, 2010, 07:08:29 AM
Really?  A previous brother in law was a truck driver and he showed me a lot of things like that.  Watch truckers as the pass each other on the interstate and you will frequently see them signaling each other like that.   Like flashing their lights at oncoming traffic to warn of speed traps it's probably not done as often today since CB radios offer better communication opportunities.

Normally on a trip I'll be doing about 5 over the limit and passing probably 75% of the 18 wheelers.  The other 25% are in more of a hurry.  75 in a 70 zone keeps me virtually invisible to the cops and generally gets me there fast enough.  The difference batween 75 and 80 MPH on a 200 mile trip is 10 minutes, an insignificant amount of time, especially considering the cost and hassle of a ticket and the added fuel cost.

Nope.  I've heard a lot about truck to truck communication and have seen trucks flash each other in the manner you mentioned, but I've never heard of it from a car to a truck. 
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: Byteme on April 21, 2010, 08:51:57 AM
Quote from: Raza  link=topic=21767.msg1311963#msg1311963 date=1271856647
Nope.  I've heard a lot about truck to truck communication and have seen trucks flash each other in the manner you mentioned, but I've never heard of it from a car to a truck. 

Which is why it doesn't happen often.  Most car drivers don't know about it or do it.
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: Submariner on April 21, 2010, 09:44:01 AM

I was driving with my aunt today to help her bring in her iMac for service, and evidently, we were going too slow for him (35 on a 35).  He kept flashing his lights and beeping his horn, but the road was far too narrow for us to pull aside and let him drive by.  The median was double solid lines, but if he really wanted to pass, he could have, as there were no cars in sight in the oncoming lane.

He continued the horn/light banter for a minute or so, until he decided to drive past us.  On the passing manuver, he held his horn firm, and was visibly infuriated as he passed by.  The two of us laughed, and continued on our way. 
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: GoCougs on April 21, 2010, 10:36:16 AM
I think a trucker would have to absolute nuts to rely on some random driver, let a lone someone in a Corolla, for when to change lanes.
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: Byteme on April 21, 2010, 11:09:09 AM
Quote from: GoCougs on April 21, 2010, 10:36:16 AM
I think a trucker would have to absolute nuts to rely on some random driver, let a lone someone in a Corolla, for when to change lanes.

No trucker would and they don't. It's simply a courtesy offered by the driver being passed to tell the trucker "you are clear of me".

Where did the Corolla reference come from?
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: Minpin on April 22, 2010, 01:59:56 AM
"Flash to Pass" is definitely no longer acceptable. I flash all the time at left lane campers, a simple two flicks, and they immediately go slower and slower and slower...... Our society is so fucked nowadays.
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: Raza on April 22, 2010, 06:24:21 AM
Quote from: Minpin on April 22, 2010, 01:59:56 AM
"Flash to Pass" is definitely no longer acceptable. I flash all the time at left lane campers, a simple two flicks, and they immediately go slower and slower and slower...... Our society is so fucked nowadays.

It works for me 70% of the time...higher than that the further I get from Philly.
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: GoCougs on April 22, 2010, 07:40:00 AM
Quote from: EtypeJohn on April 21, 2010, 11:09:09 AM
No trucker would and they don't. It's simply a courtesy offered by the driver being passed to tell the trucker "you are clear of me".

Where did the Corolla reference come from?

"Courtesy" = reliance.

People who own Corollas don't know how to drive big rigs (and thus don't know when it is safe for a big rig to change lanes).
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: Byteme on April 22, 2010, 08:19:03 AM
Quote from: GoCougs on April 22, 2010, 07:40:00 AM
"Courtesy" = reliance.

Not according to any dictionary or definition I'm aware of. 
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: Northlands on April 22, 2010, 10:44:06 AM
Quote from: Minpin on April 22, 2010, 01:59:56 AM
"Flash to Pass" is definitely no longer acceptable. I flash all the time at left lane campers, a simple two flicks, and they immediately go slower and slower and slower...... Our society is so fucked nowadays.

It's unbelievable how people take what is supposed to be good communication so negatively these days.

I've had my share of aggressive people on me, but its no surprise as my city is epic in its population of horrid drivers. Some of the notable ones have been while waiting on traffic in front of me, such as transport trucks or buses. A tool behind me will start honking away and yelling at me like I had some choice in the matter of an 80000 lb full load truck pulling in front of me. Heaven forbid I let a bus turn in front of me when he's in the parked car lane. People seem to hate that.. only to have the bus turn back to the right lane 8 seconds later when its clear.  :rolleyes:

I've had the odd verbal dispute with the odd retard, but nothing has ever come of them. I suspect they figure small car driver must equal small person, not some weathered looking 6 ft 1 dude.  :lol:

Memorable moments of having a person tailgating me ( while I'm doing at least 10-15 km/h over the posted limit ) on a couple of occasions. I know the roads well around here and have people on two incidents nailed by traffic cameras for speeding once they get around me. I guess I'd be a bit frustrated if I were going slow, but I wasn't. My own small measure of passive revenge on people not aware of their surroundings and too busy raging over God knows what... :pee:
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: Raza on April 22, 2010, 11:17:19 AM
I've been yelled at before, but I never really engage, so it never goes further than that.
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: Rupert on April 23, 2010, 12:32:18 AM
There was an extra large number of idiots out this morning. People turning from the no turn lane into the crosswalk, people parking in the drive lane, people puttering 10 below the limit in an area of downtown where the lights are all timed... I was pretty pissed off by the time I walked into work. :rage:
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: AutobahnSHO on April 23, 2010, 02:06:53 PM
At night the correct procedure with trucks is momentarily turn headlights OFF then back on.

I've done so a few times when it would have gummed up traffic to not let the truck in.
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: Raza on April 23, 2010, 02:55:18 PM
Quote from: AutobahnSHO on April 23, 2010, 02:06:53 PM
At night the correct procedure with trucks is momentarily turn headlights OFF then back on.

I've done so a few times when it would have gummed up traffic to not let the truck in.

My car's headlights don't turn off...
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: TurboDan on April 26, 2010, 11:51:20 PM
Quote from: dazzleman on April 18, 2010, 08:06:13 AM
Well, I would imagine that if you could prove you shot first in self defense and were not the aggressor in the conflict, that would be a lot different than an aggressor shooting first.

Zach was really lucky in his case.  And his statements about the media confirm the worst that I already know -- how they manipulate and withhold news that they should be reporting in order to advance a certain political agenda.

Sounds like a small-town New England newspaper. We'd have run that story and a reporter probably would've gotten a copy of the police report and called Zach for details.  :lol:
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: TurboDan on April 26, 2010, 11:56:37 PM
Quote from: GoCougs on April 18, 2010, 08:58:50 PM
Brandishing is a crime in many/most jurisdictions and most civil defense instructors will similarly tell you it is an extremely bad idea from a tactical POV.

It can be classified as assault in New Jersey. Of course, only criminals are allowed to carry concealed in this state, so the very fact that you have a gun will get you locked up to begin with.
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: The Pirate on April 27, 2010, 11:50:12 AM
Quote from: Raza  on April 23, 2010, 02:55:18 PM
My car's headlights don't turn off...

Does it bother you that your car thinks it is smarter than you?
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: Raza on April 27, 2010, 12:03:58 PM
Quote from: The Pirate on April 27, 2010, 11:50:12 AM
Does it bother you that your car thinks it is smarter than you?

Sometimes, yes.  I don't mind DRLs, but I do mind the "DRL" light on the dashboard to remind me that they aren't fully on, just 80% and just at the front.  Of course, if you're too dumb to know whether or not you should put your lights on, you probably don't know what that little light means. 
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: giant_mtb on April 27, 2010, 02:47:33 PM
Nasty.  I hate DRLs that don't have an override.  Took me a while to figure out that pushing a random button in the Bravada four times turns off the DRLs and gives me control over the lights. :confused: :lol:
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: TurboDan on April 27, 2010, 03:31:24 PM
The DRLs don't bother me. The fact that the light bulbs last only half as long does.
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: Eye of the Tiger on April 27, 2010, 03:34:58 PM
Quote from: TurboDan on April 27, 2010, 03:31:24 PM
The DRLs don't bother me. The fact that the light bulbs last only half as long does.

If you're lucky, the DRL's run low current through the high-beams, which aren't used much... but you drive a VW, so who knows WTF they did to the wiring in that thing.  :evildude:
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: SVT_Power on April 27, 2010, 04:19:02 PM
Quote from: Eye of the Tiger on April 27, 2010, 03:34:58 PM
If you're lucky, the DRL's run low current through the high-beams, which aren't used much... but you drive a VW, so who knows WTF they did to the wiring in that thing.  :evildude:

I guess I'm one of the lucky ones!  :praise:
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: 93JC on April 28, 2010, 11:18:24 AM
Quote from: TurboDan on April 27, 2010, 03:31:24 PM
The DRLs don't bother me. The fact that the light bulbs last only half as long does.


Every car I've ever had has had DRLs, and not ONCE have I had the high-beam filament (the one the DRLs run off of) fail. It's always been my low-beams that burn out.
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: The Phantom on April 28, 2010, 05:26:11 PM
Quote from: Raza  on April 27, 2010, 12:03:58 PM
Sometimes, yes.  I don't mind DRLs, but I do mind the "DRL" light on the dashboard to remind me that they aren't fully on, just 80% and just at the front.  Of course, if you're too dumb to know whether or not you should put your lights on, you probably don't know what that little light means. 

Like today, for instance, when it rained, a lot of morons decided it was enough to just have their DRLs on, thus leaving their taillights off.

You and I have had this conversation before, and I believe we agree that DRLs are not equal to total headlights/taillights when it's raining.

Sure, there were the folks who didn't have their lights on at all, but the ones who really annoy me are the aforementioned group.
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: The Phantom on April 28, 2010, 05:28:11 PM
Quote from: 93JC on April 28, 2010, 11:18:24 AM

Every car I've ever had has had DRLs, and not ONCE have I had the high-beam filament (the one the DRLs run off of) fail. It's always been my low-beams that burn out.

A friend once told me of a theory.  When the lights are on, the filament is more flexible, thus preventing it from breaking; rather, it just, well, flexes.  Almost makes sense to me, especially given your experience with DRLs.
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: Eye of the Tiger on April 28, 2010, 05:40:06 PM
Quote from: giant_mtb on April 27, 2010, 02:47:33 PM
Nasty.  I hate DRLs that don't have an override.  Took me a while to figure out that pushing a random button in the Bravada four times turns off the DRLs and gives me control over the lights. :confused: :lol:

How to override DRL's:

Engage the parking brake one click. In most vehicles, this will not cause the brakes to drag.
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: The Phantom on April 28, 2010, 05:50:10 PM
Quote from: Eye of the Tiger on April 28, 2010, 05:40:06 PM
How to override DRL's:

Engage the parking brake one click. In most vehicles, this will not cause the brakes to drag.

My car likes to sing to me when I do that, but yes, it works.

I used to do that in the '96 Grand Am when driving through the main gate at Cherry Point.
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: The Phantom on April 28, 2010, 05:51:06 PM
Actually, the Goat doesn't need that.  The switch actually works to turn them off and on, and to different positions (parking lights, full-on, DRL).
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: S204STi on April 28, 2010, 05:51:59 PM
I found the correct wire and removed it from the DRL relay harness connector on my car so that I don't have to replace bulbs every 4 months.  My car uses the low beams for DRLs which is the worst possible bulb to use.
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: TurboDan on April 28, 2010, 06:32:18 PM
Quote from: R-inge on April 28, 2010, 05:51:59 PM
I found the correct wire and removed it from the DRL relay harness connector on my car so that I don't have to replace bulbs every 4 months.  My car uses the low beams for DRLs which is the worst possible bulb to use.

So does mine. And it's a bitch and a half replacing bulbs in a Passat - specifically the passenger side. When one burns out, I'll usually just go to a local shop and give a dude I know there like $20 to replace it.
Title: Re: The agressive moron..
Post by: Eye of the Tiger on April 28, 2010, 06:38:44 PM
I haven't touched the Swift's headlight bulbs since I've owned it, and it runs DRL's.
Sucks to have a WRX or a Passat.  :evildude: