What do you try to get away with?

Started by Laconian, March 04, 2009, 09:50:35 PM


Quote from: Laconian on March 04, 2009, 09:50:35 PM

  • Speed limit
sometimes; everyone speeds, quite frankly
  • Stop for all traffic lights
  • Stop for all stop signs
  • Come to a complete stop for traffic lights & stop signs (ie. no California stops)
sometimes; I admit I'll do a California roll at stop signs in residential areas with no traffic, and once in a while at traffic lights if I'm making a right on red
  • Signal for lane changes
  • Signal for intersections
  • Passing lane etiquette
  • Talking on the phone
no laws against it here; I take my Bluetooth headset with me when I'm driving

Colonel Cadillac

Speed limit
I pay attention to my liability, but I almost always speed (damned limits are too low everywhere!)
Stop for all traffic lights
Got nabbed for speeding up pretty early in the game, so I've stopped ever since. I've gone through a couple of really late night reds, but I have to be waiting for a little while first.
Stop for all stop signs
I've become a pretty bad stoptional-er
Come to a complete stop for traffic lights & stop signs (ie. no California stops)
When I have to come to a complete stop I do
Signal for lane changes
Makes me crazy when people do not, it's the easiest thing you could do and makes life sooo much easier for everyone else.
Signal for intersections
Passing lane etiquette
Left lane campers are the devil. I try to adhere to the autobahn rules and stay right unless to pass. Connecticut has a whole bunch of left lane campers, so I pass on the right fairly often
Talking on the phone
Goes through the bluetooth on 2/3 cars I drive, speakerphone on the TSX


Speed limit
Never, of course unless there's a cop around, or it's obviously some sort of speed trap.
Stop for all traffic lights
Stop for all stop signs
Come to a complete stop for traffic lights & stop signs (ie. no California stops)
I'm a pretty bad California stopper. Sometimes.
Signal for lane changes
98% of the time, so almost always.
Signal for intersections
Passing lane etiquette
Yeah, unless there's a camper. NY is full of goddamn campers, at which point I have to pass on the right, and rudely so.
Talking on the phone
Never bothered to screw around with the Bluetooth settings in the BMW, and with the Bluetooth thing in the Audi, so I never talk on the phone. Always, then?

2004 S2000
2016 340xi


Quote from: Laconian on March 04, 2009, 09:50:35 PM
Place the following driving infractions into one of three buckets:
- "Always" adhere to this law
- "Sometimes" adhere to this law. What are the factors that might cause you to disobey this law?
- "Never" adhere to this law. Why?

  • Speed limit
Sometimes, because there are times when I can get away with it, and there are times when I can't or the penalty for speeding is such that it wouldn't be worth the time saved.  I generally push 5 over around town, and up to 10 over on the interstate. Really the only exception is a construction zone in town or a school zone.  Unless police are present I generally speed through interstate construction zones if the flow of traffic is sufficient to get radar cover.
  • Stop for all traffic lights
  • Stop for all stop signs
Sometimes.  I occasionally do a rolling stop at a 4-way near my house when there is nobody else around.  That's the only exception, unless I am on my motorcycle in which case I just do a quick slow/go when nobody is around so I don't have to put my feet down.
  • Come to a complete stop for traffic lights & stop signs (ie. no California stops)
See above
  • Signal for lane changes
Sometimes.  If I am alone or I am outrunning the traffic around me I don't see the point.  I still check my mirrors and blindspots.
  • Signal for intersections
Always.  Just habit.
  • Passing lane etiquette
Sometimes.  If I am in a line of cars overtaking a semi I am not going to jump over just because some asshole parks up my ass, but if I am in the front of the line I get clear and move over quickly.
  • Talking on the phone
Sometimes.  I have gotten worse about this lately.



    • Speed limit
    - only when I'm driving on Atlanta surface streets, and even then I'm usually still going 5 or so over. The rest of the time I'm 10-15 over, if not more. On Atlanta's highways, I often have to go 20-25 over just to stay with the flow of traffic.
    • Stop for all traffic lights
    - Always
    • Stop for all stop signs
    - (Almost) Always. There are a couple, such as one in my step-mom's neighborhood that are totally pointless, and occasionally I'll ignore. The fast majority of the time I'll still obey those as well.
    • Come to a complete stop for traffic lights & stop signs (ie. no California stops)
    - Close enough, except in the circumstance described above. I may not get the full and complete, car lurches backwards stop, but I slow down enough that a cop would have to be a real ass to ticket me for it. And of course, I'll stop completely if it's not my turn to go.
    • Signal for lane changes
    - Always
    • Signal for intersections
    - Always
    • Passing lane etiquette
    - Always. On Atlanta highways I'll often find myself cruising in the left line just because I drive faster than most other people. However, when doing this, I keep a good eye on my rear view mirror for people who are coming up behind me, and move over for them.
    • Talking on the phone
    - No law against this in Georgia. I don't do it too often, but probably more than I should.


Quote from: BimmerM3 on April 18, 2009, 06:21:15 AM
  • Passing lane etiquette
- Always. On Atlanta highways I'll often find myself cruising in the left line just because I drive faster than most other people. However, when doing this, I keep a good eye on my rear view mirror for people who are coming up behind me, and move over for them.

I miss the lane discipline of GA drivers. Every time I come up on some moron doing the speed limit or slower in the fast lane, I begin to wish ever so badly that there was an automotive equivalent of poking them on the butt with a hot poker to get them out of the way :devil:

I still have the habit of using the rightmost open lane if the traffic's light, and that has me passing alot of the cars on the right. Still better than holding up the left lane.


Quote from: Vinsanity on April 18, 2009, 08:47:56 AM
I miss the lane discipline of GA drivers. Every time I come up on some moron doing the speed limit or slower in the fast lane, I begin to wish ever so badly that there was an automotive equivalent of poking them on the butt with a hot poker to get them out of the way :devil:

I still have the habit of using the rightmost open lane if the traffic's light, and that has me passing alot of the cars on the right. Still better than holding up the left lane.

I've never known Georgia drivers to have good lane etiquette, but this is the second time in a couple weeks that someone has mentioned in on the boards. If you all are considering Georgia to be good, I can't imagine how bad it must be elsewhere.


Quote from: BimmerM3 on April 19, 2009, 10:21:28 AM
I've never known Georgia drivers to have good lane etiquette, but this is the second time in a couple weeks that someone has mentioned in on the boards. If you all are considering Georgia to be good, I can't imagine how bad it must be elsewhere.

I think the first time it was mentioned was from myself as well :praise:

I'm willing to bet you'd find it annoying as hell how often you'll come across left-lane campers on SoCal freeways. I actually wouldn't say it's a consistent problem, but often enough for it to be annoying.

Then again, most of my experience on GA interstates are in the rural areas outside Atl. so maybe there'd be a big difference there; once you get outside the greater LA area into the boonies, lane discipline improves noticeably.


    * Speed limit - Rarely do I actually obey the posted limit, with the exception of small town centers and school zones. I don't know, but I really don't like speeding through small NE towns. Maybe because I hate it when others do it. And school zones for obvious reasons. Otherwise, I'm usually 5-10 over on most streets, and 10-15 over on the freeway (thank you detector).
    * Stop for all traffic lights - Always.
    * Stop for all stop signs - Yes (see below)
    * Come to a complete stop for traffic lights & stop signs (ie. no California stops) - For traffic lights, yes. Stop signs, sometimes. It depends just how empty the road is. Most of the times, I go slow enough that I can roll away in second gear instead of having to start from first.
    * Signal for lane changes - Always, but usually it's just one blink.
    * Signal for intersections - Always, except in dedicated turn lanes.
    * Passing lane etiquette - Since returning from Argentina, I've been a "keep right except to pass" kind of person. It just works so well down there, I wish it would catch on up here.
    * Talking on the phone - Almost never. I don't get many phone calls anyways.


Quote from: 93JC on March 10, 2009, 04:57:10 PM

You're the last person I expected to have a Bluetooth headset. 

There are no laws against it here either, but now that I drive a stick, using the phone is a hassle that I prefer to avoid.  Sometimes I'll put it on speaker and put it in my cupholder, but that really only works if it's perfect weather (not too hot, no rain) and if I have the windows up.  I tried it yesterday in the rain, and I couldn't hear anything my friend was saying.  I've considered buying a BT headset for my phone since then.  My shitty Motorola is for Playstation use only.
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2006 BMW Z4 3.0i
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Quote from: the Teuton on October 05, 2009, 03:53:18 PMIt's impossible to argue with Raza. He wins. Period. End of discussion.


  • Speed limit
The what?  Sometimes, if traffic forces me to.

  • Stop for all traffic lights
Sometimes.  If they turn red, and I can stop in time.

  • Stop for all stop signs

  • Come to a complete stop for traffic lights & stop signs (ie. no California stops)
Always.  More chances for burnouts that way.

  • Signal for lane changes

  • Signal for intersections

  • Passing lane etiquette

  • Talking on the phone