***Mercedes W212 E-Class Launched In Munich*** (Part 1)

Started by cawimmer430, March 28, 2009, 12:44:24 PM


It all started on a Saturday morning on March 28. I woke up late because I had been working through the night on some school-related projects and had been doctoring up some digital photographs. So when I woke up today, it occurred to me that I had nothing to do for the weekend. No schoolwork to finish, no projects to take care off; nothing. As I lay in bed, I pondered what I was going to do. How was I going to survive a Saturday and Sunday without getting bored? There?s nothing but trash on TV, I?m bored of shooting people in Grand Theft Auto and I didn?t feel like taking a walk and photographing birds in flight.

Then I remembered the date, March 28. Something about it seemed familiar and the more I thought about, the more it made sense. It had something to do with Mercedes-Benz. Then I realized what was so special about this date: the new W212 E-Class was premiering in downtown Munich. At the same time as this thought was being processed in my head, my body was responding on its own. I jumped out of bed, shaved and showered, got dressed and hoped into the BMW and sped through the Munich morning traffic to reach the magical place called Mercedes-Benz Niederlassung M?nchen in the Arnulfstra?e. Even as I drove by, I could see that this wasn?t going to be easy. Every single visible parking space was in use and there were gobs of people swarming in from all directions eager to catch a glimpse of the new star in this class. Two W212s were already outside and covered by a mass of people.

I managed to find a parking space a few hundred meters away and had to sandwich park between an S-Class and A6. Thank the lord I had the small 1-Series today, because if I had arrived in the E320 I would be looking for a suitable space for ages.

I have already encountered the new W212 E-Class on several occasions prior to this day, but those were generally short moments where I just caught a glimpse. And the one time in the Mercedes Museum where I was faced with a new W212, my heart wasn?t in it because the vehicle on display was a standard trim model that will be supplied to taxi and police fleets.
Today was really the day where I would encounter the W212 up close and personal. And I was ready. The first W212s I inspected were the smokesilver and black models positioned outside in broad daylight. I was already impressed in the first few seconds.

But first I sampled the atmosphere of the event. There was the smell of delicious Thai and Bavarian food in the air courtesy of some local catering. Music was provided by one of Munich?s biggest radio stations (Radio Arabella, which I never listen to!). One of the big shots of the place (forgot the name) was interviewed by the radio station and explained the new features of the new E-Class. I was standing right there, a few meters away documenting this with my camera. It was a fascinating experience, listening to what he had to say about the car.

The ?bigshot? explaining technical and design aspects of the E-Class. The last photo shows the lucky man who won the lottery and gets to spend the weekend with the new W212!  :lockedup:

End of Part 1
-2018 Mercedes-Benz A250 AMG Line (W177)

WIMMER FOTOGRAFIE - Professional Automotive Photography based in Munich, Germany


Nice report........... your enthusiasm is just ever so slightly evident, I think, despite all your best efforts to hide it and be impartial!

I did not like the W212 from the first pictures, but in the metal it does look a lot better. I think it is very sensitive to colour and spec, though.


Quote from: Colin on April 03, 2009, 11:36:39 PM
Nice report........... your enthusiasm is just ever so slightly evident, I think, despite all your best efforts to hide it and be impartial!

I did not like the W212 from the first pictures, but in the metal it does look a lot better. I think it is very sensitive to colour and spec, though.

Thanks.  :ohyeah:

I think what makes the most difference on the W212 are the rims. Small-sized rims (with an ugly design) ruin the whole picture. I like both the models in Elegance/Avantgarde and AMG trim. I despise the standard (Classic) trim.
-2018 Mercedes-Benz A250 AMG Line (W177)

WIMMER FOTOGRAFIE - Professional Automotive Photography based in Munich, Germany